Are You Stuck in a Rut….Get Out In 2022

 “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” by Albert Einstein

 Are you a victim of “doing the same things over and over expecting different results”?  If you are, you must be aware of the associated futility and frustration.  The key sticking point is the invasiveness it brings to the everyday things we encounter.  Without fully understand the dynamics behind your low activity level, will power, or ability to change direction you can remain stuck for years. 

Did you know there is a correlation between our brain and integration?   According to Dr. Dan Siegal, a clinical professor at the UCLA School of Medicine explained “that when your brain lacks integration, the result is either rigidity or chaos; stuck and dull on the one hand”.  So there you have it!

A good definition for being stuck is having the desire to do something, but unable to make the necessary adjustments because of fear or inadequacies.  When there’s no integration in our brains, or when we are overwhelmed, our mind directs us to a place of absolutely nothing.

The reality is deep-seated habits are difficult to change and most of us have difficulties turning of the switch.  A typical example is habitual tardiness and inability to break the cycle.  If you are having difficulty recognizing your “stuckness”, review the list below to see if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Symptoms of Being Stuck:

  • Lack of growth or process over an extended period

  • Habitual procrastination

  • Inability to make the necessary changes, because you don’t know where to begin

  • Lack motivation or goal to take action

  • Trapped in a job that is debilitating but unable to make plans to move on

  • Things in your life are at a standstill and you are paralyzed to take action

How to Get Unstuck

These 5 steps are necessary in detangling the stuck process.  Some situations are deep seated and others are superficial which can be corrected early before things get too far ahead.  

Key 1: Recognize Your Condition or Situation

In order to begin the unstuck process, the first key is awareness.  Nothing changes until that happens. One of the things I do when I’m stuck is look at my stance or positioning. This helps to determine my progress or lack of it and at the same time it sheds some light on my situation. 

Key 2: Beliefs

There are times we hold on to a belief or ideology that is no longer relevant or effective.  In some cases it may no longer be true, but because we learn this belief as a child or some other significant way, we hold on to it. Take time to examine the belief to help you understand the impact it’s having on your situation.  You may choose to replace the belief with truth that withstood the test of relevance and effectiveness.

 Key 3:  Change is Necessary

Once you’ve identify the state you are in, you are ready for the next step which is having a strong desire for change.  At this point make a commitment to do things differently.  Have a commitment partner to hold you accountable. This will build up your resilience, courage, and reduce fear.

Key 4:  Benefits

Develop a plan to make the transition from being stuck to becoming unstuck.  The plan should be Specific, Measurement, Attainable, Reliable, and Timely S.M.A.R.T.

 Identify and write out the benefits you stand to gain; keep them close by as reinforcements.  The benefits may include being free from excuses, stagnation, frustrations, increased confidence, assurance, and no more stigma.  Apply the following:

1.     Practice the new behavior often until they replace the old habits and you’ll gain the reputation of reliability and trust. 

2.     Believe wholeheartedly in what you are doing.  This is your season to overcome those hindrances.  Make it happen.

3.     Look for practical ways to replace the negative behavior.  For example, be better prepared so you are not scrambling at the last minute.  Over time you will learn what works best for you and what doesn’t.  Embrace possibilities. Stop being fixated on what isn’t working.  Focus on what is working.

4.     Be open to trying other solutions when things are not working.  Settling for the status quo breathes complacency.  Challenge yourself to change your routine from time to time.  For example, take a different route home or write with your left hand. This keeps you alert, enhances creativity, and keeps things fresh.

Change can be paralyzing.  Unless you are motivated and committed to change, the outcome will be the same.   It is not easy to CHANGE without EFFORT.  That’s where the rubber meets the road. 

If you are truly looking for different results, it is time to do different things.  Start with the Affirmations below